Hard Skills plus Soft Skills equals success!
With many of today’s youth joining the working class, it can be pretty stressful for them to get their boots off the ground and begin a professional career. The fierceness of the job market demands a lot from these youngsters who are only just starting out this new chapter in their lives.
But what exactly is it that the employers look for in potential employees? What’s the trick to finding a job? And what can help them ensure they maintain steady employment?
While a diploma from a prestigious school or a master’s degree can be quite an impressive highlight on your resume, intelligence and skill alone can only take you so far. If that’s the case, what’s the other half of the key to success?
Lecturer of the University of the Philippines (UP) Los Banos and Metro Manila spokesperson of Jehovah’s Witnesses Mr. Normito “Jun” Zapata shares the simple secrets to a successful career. How someone can make a good impression in the workplace, and what helpful advice the bible can offer in the everyday life of today’s youth.
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